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Meet the PCA Membership and Marketing Team

Gene Weber

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

Besides our wonderful volunteers that you see weekly working two hours physically beautifying our trail sides, PCA has an equal number of volunteers working behind the scenes on our board and five committees (Activities, Ecology, Finance, Membership and Marketing along with Planning).

In the coming newsletters, we will share information about one of those committees’ volunteers and tasks to familiarize you with these volunteers and the critical functions they perform to support our community and the volunteers that work on the trail. Membership and Marketing is the first committee we will highlight.

front row (L-R): Dena Nechkash, Grace Milanowski; back row (L-R): Sue Kies, Gene Weber, Robin Fatzinger. Not pictured: Juli McGuire, Bev Johansen, Ric Genthe

The wonderful members of the Membership and Marketing team include the following people:

Robin Fatzinger (recently retired PMS teacher) serves as secretary taking notes and sending out meeting minutes. Robin works with our Coordinator to oversee membership communications. She also gathers pictures of volunteers, coordinates with the Shopping News to create the posters you see on kiosks throughout the trail recognizing our volunteers.

Sue Kies (retired PHS English Teacher) leads the development of our spring membership drive letter and is one of our Co-Creative Editors of our PCA newsletters. She has written articles about our trail for the Voice of the River Valley and is in the process of creating a children’s PCA book titled “Sassy’s Vacation.”

Dena Nechkash (Graphic Designer & Photographer at Fresh Inkling Creatives) produces special PCA news releases and is Co-Creative Director and Co-Editor of our PCA Newsletter.

Juli McGuire (Co-Owner, Two Onion Farm) annually collaborates with our PCA team to update our PCA trail map including coordinating with UW-Platteville to develop and produce the map for use by students and our southwest Wisconsin communities. Juli works with PCA, UWP and the director of the Mining and Rollo Jamison Museum to assure distribution of 10,000 copies.

Bev Johansen (retired lawyer) creates and submits our major donor press releases.

Ric Genthe (owner- Ric Genthe & Associates) is the Creative Director of our PCA annual calendar and is the illustrator of Sue Kies’ “Sassy’s Vacation.”

Grace Milanowski (PCA Coordinator) updates and oversees our membership and donor list, our website, social media including Facebook and Instagram, creates our promotional and educational material and coordinates our community involvement at volunteer fairs and volunteer recruitment presentations. She is also one of the Co-Creative Directors of our PCA Newsletter.

Gene Weber (retired John Deere Strategic Sourcing and Warranty Manager) leads this very talented team scheduling two to three meetings per year, coordinating an agenda and follow up. He also functions as PCA Newsletter Editor providing the same functions. (Gene will be stepping down as Chairperson of this committee at the end of the year; but is willing to assist or co-chair with the new Chairperson for one year).

These are the primary committee members, but we have many other PCA members contributing to our efforts. We are continuing to recruit creative writers and others interested in helping with any of the tasks included above. For those wishing to avoid meetings but simply contribute their talents to our mission from home, our Marketing and Membership Committee can accommodate.

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