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Updates on the Valley-to-Eastside Expansion Project

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Official Announcement of the Valley-to-Eastside Expansion Project

March 2025

The board of directors of the Platteville Community Arboretum (PCA) has embarked on an ambitious project called the ‘Valley-to-Eastside Expansion Project.’ It will add approximately 15 acres of greenspace for public use in two separate areas. A portion is on Valley Road (close to the dog park) which is an ideal location for a trailhead with parking, gardens, and a picnic area. The other land is along the abandoned railroad bed stretching southeast from Business Hwy 151 to Eastside Road. This section would add nearly a mile of walkable trail and adjacent greenspace to the current trail.

To achieve success, PCA is asking for your help in purchasing the land.

In September of 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources awarded a Stewardship grant of $136,700 to the City of Platteville and PCA to cover half the project’s cost. This is a matching grant. PCA has assumed the responsibility of acquiring the matching funds by working with community members interested in investing in this project.

Joe Jacquinot, president of PCA, is leading a committee that has joined with Inspiring Community for this project. The goal is to raise the requisite funds by the end of the summer of 2025. Inspiring Community, Inc. (190 Market Street, Platteville) is accepting donations on behalf of the Valley-to-Eastside Expansion Project. Additionally, Inspiring Community will work with PCA and the City of Platteville to the successful completion of the project.

For more information or to request a presentation, contact

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Platteville Community Fund awards the PCA a $10,000 grant

In October 2024, the Platteville Community Fund awarded the PCA a $10,000 grant from the Robert & Marian Graham Community Fund, Margaret S. Keizer Charitable Fund, Carmen and Eva Beining Community Fund of the Platteville Community Fund. This is the first donation towards the Valley-to-Eastside Expansion Project.

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